Maria Montessori Primary Pre-School Theatre Ages 3-6 3:30-4:30 pm Mondays Beginning January 27th $165.00 740 Harbor Bend, Memphis Child's Name Age DOB T-Shirt Size (required) Parent's Name (required) Emergency Medical Conditions (required) Emergency Contact/relationship (required) Emergency Contact Phone (required) Cell Phone (required) Your Address (required) Your Email (required) Price$165 Comments or Questions? By sending this registration I understand that SunFish Children’s Theatre, Inc. is not responsible for illness or injuries affecting my child nor for his/her possessions, while participating in the Children's Programs; I release SunFish Children’s Theatre, Inc. from any such responsibility and waive any claims against SunFish Children’s Theatre, Inc. and its directors, trustees, officers, instructors, agents and volunteers in this regard.